Lee Fuller
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Peter, this is Lee Fuller. The only classmate from my 3 years at MHS that I've kept up with is Steve Raymond. But I remember you from all of those 3 years starting with Herbert Slater and wish you a happy retirement. Being 78 years old has its benefits, especially with your offspring!
Posted on: Oct 05, 2023 at 1:33 AM
Happy Birthday Peter. I was just reading over some of the emails (below) from people I remember during my 3 years in Santa Rosa. Have no idea where Roger or Bill Bartholomay might be and I've spent hours looking. I remember Miss Parrish and Coach Vallerga, though sadly I remember how boring Vallerga was for U.S. History. He avoided questions so he would not lose his place in reading the lecture. It took a while before I was interested in History again after that class.
I read that you were looking for Bill, as I have been doing off-and-on for a while. Did you learn anything? I got the impression that he was not among us anymore and that would be such a loss. If you actually locate him, send me his email.